Ore Control
(Estimation, mineral classification, and reconciliation explanation)
Beginning with estimation, all the process until reconciliation will be accomplished.
Y. V. Vasylchuk & C. V. Deutsch (2017) “Grade control in hard-rock open pit mining is the process of determining the destination for the mined material.”
What can Integrated Minero Suite® do for Ore Control?
- The Ore Identifier® module is fundamental in Minero Suite®. The Ore Identifier® module integrates pattern design, database, geostatistical estimation, environmental, operational, and economic variables for creating mining polygons and reporting grade tonnage.
- Ore control configuration using Ore Identifier® is one of the most complete activities. Every world-class deposit is unique. Minero’s staff goal is to understand first the mineral deposit. Configuration takes place in consensus with geologists, modelers, and mining engineers.
- Estimations such as Kriging can be performed for multiple variables, multiple search, and multiple variograms. A pattern’s variable must be an input and the result must go to a block model numeric variable. Available variogram models are Spherical, Exponential, Gaussian, or Linear. Search parameters range type must be ellipsoid or box. All rotation searching and variogram parameters must be constructed in advance.
Why is Integrated Minero Suite® efficient in Ore Control?
- Minero Suite® focus in understanding the mine deposit in order to offer the suitable ore control solution.
- To create drilling and blasting (D&B) patterns, Integrated Minero Suite® provides innovative applications that allow users to design D&B pattern. Also, to save them in the Minero database (MineroDB) and load back automatically to Integrated Minero Suite®.
- Grade tonnage report must report essential information from the estimated block model. Open pit mines that have large number of destinations and variables will require organize these destinations and variables accordingly. Minero’s Staff was able to configure successfully a report with more than 16 variables and 100 destinations. For instance, mining polygons can get reported based upon grade’s weighted average, tonnages, by material classification, and by destinations.
How will Integrated Minero Suite® do Ore Control?
- To setup the ore control process from an open pit deposit a sequential diagram with all the activities must be created. For example, if a deposit is fluvial-glacial, fines material will require special treatment in the leach pad. In this case, fines analysis by hole will be required. This activity must be included in the flow chart.
- In most deposits, once patterns are designed, hole ID’s must be sent to laboratory database and laboratory must report back sampled assays results to MineroDB. These samples may include geological, and metallurgical variables for estimation. All this information is then available for mining polygon creation, and mining polygons reports allow professionals to decide which polygon should go to what destination.
- Kriging is an interpolation method and running the application can last from several seconds to minutes. Of course, Kriging running time is proportional to the number of samples. With Integrated Minero Suite®, a whole bench with more than a thousand samples was krigged in 10 seconds. Kriging was performed in a PC with the following characteristics CPU@2.50Ghz, RAM 12GB, and 64-bit.
- Minero’s Compute Variable application uses JavaScript engine. David Yang in the article "4 Reasons To Learn JavaScript as Your First Programming Language" says “When picking your first programming language, you should pick a language, like JavaScript, that let’s you start small and get something done.” By using JavaScript in Minero, professionals can accomplish unlimited operations with block model’s variables. Any logical and mathematical operation available in JavaScript can be performed with Minero's Compute Variable application for both numeric and categorical variables. Integrated Minero Suite® is eager to conduct independent reviews of the Minero's algorithms, using public-domain data.
- Reconciliation between the reserves block model and the short-term (ore control) block model can be done instantaneously.